FLIQLO is an app that is a freeware that helps you with your office productivity. It is also a tool for sending emails, managing contacts and calendars. Since it is free, people can download the application and access it as they wish. So, if you are going to install the software on your Mac, you should be careful while downloading the application. If you are going to download FLIQLO for Mac, you must know about the risks involved. You should be aware of what downloading process you should follow. It is important for you to know how you can download FLIQLO from the internet. FLIQLO is a very easy software to download; but the first and the foremost step that you have to follow is to make sure that the computer that you are using is able to run Mac OS. So, before downloading the application, you must check your Mac's compatibility with the application. Otherwise, if the application runs on your Mac, it will cause some damages to your Mac if you do not update it with the latest version. After updating the software, you can start the application on your Mac. However, before running it, you must disable your Web browsing because this is the process that will help the application to protect itself from being attacked by hackers. In addition, you have to run it as administrator and you must install the application. You should also make sure that your firewall is set to block the website that is offering the application. You should also run the application regularly to see if the system has any updates and fix any of the issues in the application. So, follow these basic steps and you can get your work done more efficiently.